Kasten K10 Guide for beginners – Part 2

I’ve been asked by multiple people to amend my install script from part 2 of this series to allow for fully testing K10 by allowing for storageclass migrations on a single host. Therefore I have updated it to install both OpenEBS ZFS Operator and Rancher Longhorn storage classes. Longhorn is installed with a single replica set, so this cluster cannot be upgraded with additional worker nodes without modification.
To allow for installation and testing on cloud based VM’s I have also the enabled basic authentication type and allow users to create a username:password combo, to secure the K10 interface. The longhorn UI is also exposed via an ingress rule so a DNS A record will need to be created to point to the public IP with the name longhorn.local .
Install using (as root):
curl -s https://raw.githubusercontent.com/jdtate101/jdtate101/main/zfs-longhorn-install.sh | bash
This will run the script from github and install all components. Please read part 2 to make sure you understand the pre-req’s before attempting to install. Not longhorn will use the local root filesystem for the PVC’s so it’s recommended to up the root volume to 100GB to match the ZFS volume.
The structure of the script is:
#! /bin/bash
R='\033[0;31m' #'0;31' is Red's ANSI color code
G='\033[0;32m' #'0;32' is Green's ANSI color code
W='\033[1;37m' #'1;37' is White's ANSI color code
# the following command will set the ubuntu service restart under apt to automatic
sed -i 's/#$nrconf{restart} = '"'"'i'"'"';/$nrconf{restart} = '"'"'a'"'"';/g' /etc/needrestart/needrestart.conf
echo -e "$G Installing pre-req's...please standby..."
apt update
apt -qq install apache2-utils -y
echo -e "$R ____ ___ ___ __ ____ _____ "
echo -e "$R| |/ _|____ _______/ |_ ____ ____ | | _/_ \ _ \ "
echo -e "$R| < \__ \ / ___/\ __\/ __ \ / \ ______ | |/ /| / /_\ \ "
echo -e "$R| | \ / __ \_\___ \ | | \ ___/| | \ /_____/ | < | \ \_/ \ "
echo -e "$R|____|__ (____ /____ > |__| \___ >___| / |__|_ \|___|\_____ / "
echo -e "$R \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ "
echo -e "$G Simple K10 node installer.....!"
sleep 1
echo ""
echo -e "$G This will install a single node k3s cluster with the OpenEBS ZFS csi driver, Longhorn csi driver and all k10 annotated volumesnapshotclasses"
sleep 1
echo ""
echo -e "$G Longhorn will operate in single REPLICA mode, so this cluster cannot have additional worker nodes added to it"
sleep 1
echo ""
echo -e "$G It will then install k10 via HELM and automatically expose the k10 dashboard on the cluster load balancer"
sleep 1
echo ""
echo -e "$G K10 will be install with Basic Authentication enabled and you need to enter the username and password you wish to use next: "
sleep 1
echo -e "$W"
echo "Enter the username: "
read username < /dev/tty
echo ""
echo "Enter the password: "
read password < /dev/tty
htpasswd_entry=$(htpasswd -nbm "$username" "$password" | cut -d ":" -f 2)
echo "Successfully generated htpasswd entry: $htpasswd"
echo ""
echo -e "$G Enter drive path of extra volume (ie /dev/sdb). If you do not know this exit this script by cmd-x and run "fdisk -l" to find the drive path: "
echo -e "$W "
read DRIVE < /dev/tty
sleep 5
echo ""
echo -e "$G Patching Ubuntu"
echo ""
sleep 5
echo -e "$W "
pro config set apt_news=false
apt -qq update && apt -qq upgrade -y && apt -qq dist-upgrade -y && apt -qq autoremove -y
sleep 5
echo -e "$G Installing k3s single node cluster"
echo -e "$W "
sleep 5
curl -sfL https://get.k3s.io | INSTALL_K3S_EXEC="--disable local-storage" sh -s -
sleep 5
echo ""
echo -e "$G Installing ZFS and configuring pool"
echo -e "$W "
sleep 5
apt install zfsutils-linux open-iscsi jq -y
zpool create kasten-pool $DRIVE
sleep 5
echo ""
echo -e "$G Installing ZFS Operator, StorageClass & VolumeSnapshotClass"
echo -e "$W "
echo ""
echo -e "$R Waiting 60s for k3s to fully start!!"
echo -e "$W"
sleep 60
kubectl apply -f https://openebs.github.io/charts/zfs-operator.yaml
curl -s https://raw.githubusercontent.com/jdtate101/jdtate101/main/zfs-sc.yaml > zfs-sc.yaml
curl -s https://raw.githubusercontent.com/jdtate101/jdtate101/main/zfs-snapclass.yaml > zfs-snapclass.yaml
kubectl apply -f zfs-sc.yaml
kubectl apply -f zfs-snapclass.yaml
kubectl patch storageclass kasten-zfs -p '{"metadata": {"annotations":{"storageclass.kubernetes.io/is-default-class":"true"}}}'
sleep 5
echo ""
echo -e "$G Installing Helm"
echo -e "$W "
sleep 5
curl -fsSL -o get_helm.sh https://raw.githubusercontent.com/helm/helm/main/scripts/get-helm-3
chmod +x ./get_helm.sh
cp /etc/rancher/k3s/k3s.yaml /root/.kube/config
helm repo add kasten https://charts.kasten.io
helm repo add longhorn https://charts.longhorn.io
sleep 5
echo ""
echo -e "$G Installing Longhorn Storage & VolumeSnapshotClass"
helm repo update
helm install longhorn longhorn/longhorn --namespace longhorn-system --create-namespace -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/jdtate101/jdtate101/main/longhorn-values.yaml
curl -s https://raw.githubusercontent.com/jdtate101/jdtate101/main/longsnapclass.yaml > longsnapclass.yaml
kubectl apply -f longsnapclass.yaml
sleep 5
echo -e "$W "
echo ""
echo -e "$G Installing Kasten K10"
echo -e "$W "
sleep 5
kubectl create ns kasten-io
helm install k10 kasten/k10 --namespace kasten-io --set "auth.basicAuth.enabled=true" --set auth.basicAuth.htpasswd=$htpasswd
echo ""
echo -e "$R Please wait for 60sec whilst we wait for the pods to spin up..."
echo -e "$R After this period the external URL for K10 access will display (DO NOT exit this script)"
sleep 60
echo -e "$W "
pod=$(kubectl get po -n kasten-io |grep gateway | awk '{print $1}' )
kubectl expose po $pod -n kasten-io --type=LoadBalancer --port=8000 --name=k10-dashboard
ip=$(curl -s ifconfig.io)
port=$(kubectl get svc -n kasten-io |grep k10-dashboard | cut -d':' -f2- | cut -f1 -d'/' )
echo " longhorn.local" >> /etc/hosts
echo ""
echo -e "$G K10 dashboard can be accessed on http://"$ip":"$port"/k10/#/"
echo -e "$W "
echo -e "$R It may take a while for all pods to become active. You can check with $G < kubectl get po -n kasten-io > $R wait for the gateway pod to go 1/1 before you go to the URL"
echo -e "$W "
echo -e "$R If you wish to access the longhorn UI you need to create an entry in your /etc/hosts file or local DNS for longhorn.local to point to IP Address: $ip ,then browse to http://longhorn.local"
echo -e "$W "